Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weight Loss, Oops!

I have not been writing about my weight loss lately, mostly because I lost focus for a few weeks. But that's ok, because I've got until 9/17/2011. This is my goal date, to be close to 175 lbs., or under. So I am going to get my focus back and stop eating more than 1800 calories a day.

I read an article that said to focus on three things that will help your weight loss success. So for this week I am focusing on NOT eating a days worth of calories after dinner, protein every four hours, and stretching after exercise.

Even though this is not the most widely read blog on the net, it helps me stay accountable to myself to read and write these words. And I feel like writing about this every week is too much and once a month is not enough, so maybe every other week would be better. I'll try it and see what happens.

Here's to strength and focus!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ugly Shoes and the Sweet Spot

I love these shoes. I hate these shoes. These are some ugly shoes. And yet, I love trikking in these shoes. When I wear these shoes while trikking, I feel very connected to the Trikke, like it's an extension of my body. The foot pads are my feet's pads. This gets me closer to the "sweet spot" while trikking.

I feel sorry for those who don't know about the sweet spot, and no it isn't next to the "G" spot. The sweet spot is trikking at its best, when every cell in my body is operating in sinc to make the Trikke ride one smooth movement.

Most days I feel like my legs and arms are operating separately. And then there are those magical days when I hit it right. It's one movement propelling this thing forward, not arms and legs and body and Trikke, all working separately to build the momentum needed to go forward. It's this smooth movement that generates forward momentum.

On those magical days when I hit that spot it is very zen like. Should I venture to say spiritual? I read somewhere that feeling comes from both sides of the brain operating together for this activity and it creates a peaceful state. That sounds right to me.

And so, that's why I wear these ugly shoes. Not to be fashionable, not because they make my feet look sexy. They get me to the sweet spot, and that's where I want to be.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Trikke, er, Toyota Grand Prix

This weekend is the Toyota Grand Prix. It is happening about one mile away. And it seems unusually quiet. Friday was the first "Free Friday" I have ever attended, and it was interesting, for a moment. All the vendors were selling food or race-emblazoned clothing. Oh, and Tacate.

Inside the convention center was a track set up for bike stunts. We got there in time to see some amazing flips, high jumps and other high jinks.
I can't help wondering where Trikke is this weekend. I think a Trikke exhibit is missing from this expo.

Where are the guys with their Trikkes all set up waiting for these visitors from around the country to ask the questions I am asked constantly on the street. If Trikke wants to go big, this world wide event seems to be a good place to continue.

If Trikke had been at this event, I would have brought that excitement home with me. I would be talking about it around the water cooler on Monday. I would have been checking out the sites around the "www". And I would start the process of buying and learning how to capture that Trikke Moment, when I know I've got the carve down.

Oh, wait, I do have a Trikke, and I have done all those things in the last paragraph already! Well I never talked about it around a water cooler, not yet anyway. If I did, I would say it is the best invention yet, except for fire of course. Oh, and the wheel. Three wheels exactly. Carve Diem!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am introducing a new label entitled "Silly Willa." I must capture and share, somehow, how nutty my crazy pussy is. And the thing that makes it so ironic is that she is so beautiful. So, let's go Silly Willa...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some people say,

"waitresses don't deserve tips,
they've got their wages."
I say let them try the job on a full moon,
on a Saturday night.
Let them deal with a horn-rimmed-customer,
who is seriously contemplating
"this strange chemical on my knife."
His wife orders a NY steak, well done
"don't forget the A1" and fries
and asks why we don't serve ranch dressing.
Let them entertain four businessmen, three from Idaho
who think waitresses are as hot as stews.
I'm never in position when they grab, knowing they tip 9%.
Let them control their laughter
when customers use their bread plates for ashtrays,
and ask for a doggy bag to take an empty lobster tail shell
home to "Junior, who's never seen one of these babies."
Let them solve the problem of consumer oriented
martini drinkers who order it
"straight up."
The few extra swigs
splash on my tray
while I squeeze through the bar.
They feel cheated.
Let them live off of $113.47
every other week.

The Waitresses

Nancy (51)
comes in swaying smelling of vodka.
Cuts me off at the side station every time.
"I'm older, have respect" she says.
I frequently hear her scream "who left the
dirty wine glasses here?"
No one answers.
Peggy (47)
tells the manager he should change
station 6's in time,
tells us it won't be busy tonight,
Coast Hwy's expansion is absorbing our parking lot.
"All the customers complain to me."
Mildred (57)
her food gets cold
while she tells jokes
to customers she's met in her 20 years here.
They don't mind cold food.
She's slowing, her body shakes uncontrollably at times.
The busboys say she's senile.
Anita (45)
the only one who remembered my birthday.
She sets dirty wineglasses on my tables
when she thinks I'm not looking.
She comes to Halloween parties,
dressed as Superwoman.
Her husband can't keep a job,
she'll work any Sunday.
Jeri (24)
she flirts with the buy boys
talks rock'n roll with the cooks
and works five dinner shifts now.
The waitresses still look after her.
Peggy repeats "don't worry, kid, just stick by me."
She can't help but laugh
when Peggy turns her back.

I'm going to smile anyway

I have been in bad shape the last several days. It started with my knees and legs aching badly. Followed by my thumb starting to pop and, Yeow! it hurts when I try to use it. Followed by an infected tooth, which I sat on all weekend. Then the extraction -- which was the most pain I've been in in decades. I was at 9.5 on the 1-10 pain scale, for over an hour. And now the residual pain as the tooth heals and the thumb goes to therapy.

I will still try to smile. It's because I have no need to feel badly for not trikking for a week, or walking for several days. I have no reason to feel guilty or lazy or as if I've been back-sliding. And besides, I will walk today.

I don't have to worry about losing all the "fitness" I've gained. And even if I did, well, I'm signed on for the long haul. Just like my food plan. If I eat badly today that's ok. It's not about today, it's about 2010.