Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cigarettes Are Not Candy Bars

I stopped smoking at the end of August, 2009. I think it was to get ready for my new Trikke. I had wanted to quit for a long time but I just couldn't. I was waiting for that special time which comes to me every few years. It's like I get a break. I can quit smoking and have no cravings, dreams or setbacks. It is only during this window of opportunity that it happens. And it happened at the end of last August.

It is something I don't talk about or tell people. Why? It is a really BIG thing, after all. I guess because I wasn't driven up a wall, or paced a room, or had to call a friend. It was easy. It was nothing. Like changing from milk to dark chocolate.

Cigarettes are not candy bars. I think if I didn't have sugar every day I'd be blogging on the ceiling. So this is why I don't brag about quitting smoking. Believe me, the world will know when I beat my sugar addiction!

The "King" of the beasts

When all is right with the world

Be Careful, It's a Trap