Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weight Loss, Oops!

I have not been writing about my weight loss lately, mostly because I lost focus for a few weeks. But that's ok, because I've got until 9/17/2011. This is my goal date, to be close to 175 lbs., or under. So I am going to get my focus back and stop eating more than 1800 calories a day.

I read an article that said to focus on three things that will help your weight loss success. So for this week I am focusing on NOT eating a days worth of calories after dinner, protein every four hours, and stretching after exercise.

Even though this is not the most widely read blog on the net, it helps me stay accountable to myself to read and write these words. And I feel like writing about this every week is too much and once a month is not enough, so maybe every other week would be better. I'll try it and see what happens.

Here's to strength and focus!