Saturday, February 21, 2009

advantages of getting old

Although there are a few advantages of getting old, the one that stands out for me is the fact that old people get the best drugs. It's unfortunate that we need the drugs in the first place. And yet I am happy about medical marijuana (MM). If ever one was looking for that silver lining... Anyway, after reading some posts about buying the old fashioned way -- on the street -- I am grateful (no, not blessed, a subject for a later post). I am grateful to always have access to the best I can afford.
I must add that MM helps a great deal with my fibromyalgia pain. I take a lot less Norco when I have access to MM. It's always best to go green!

Getting old with computer issues

I have not posted for a few days because I have had major computer issues. I still cannot find out how to get volume, (which is why I undertook this project to begin with). So in trying to fix that issue, a friend and I wiped out the computer and started over again from scratch. It solved a few problems, but still no volume. We should have checked out his speakers first, he brought them over for that reason. But we didn't, we smoked some sativa first. Talk about making a small problem more challenging. Yet it ended up being the best thing we could have done. It only took about eight hours to reinstalling all my programs and favorites. I now understand the computer a bit more and have pushed back dementia for a few more months.
That's the way I look at things from the other side of 50 years old.