Friday, July 8, 2011

The Newest Me

Me, ruminating
Life is really sparking around me lately. What I mean by that is a lot is happening and it's happening quickly. Don't get me wrong, I am loving it.

In my travels around the WWW, I have found some very valuable info about blogging and what creates readership and growth. I am not doing those things. So in a feeble attempt to catch up I have several approaches to try.

Firstly, the whole premise about me being full of myself is all wrong. I am supposed to write about what my readers will relate to. I have come from the opposite side of that topic while writing about what was concerning me at that moment.

The reason I created the blog was to overcome my quietness and have a voice somewhere. No one wants to listen to my ramblings aloud. So the blog was created. The second part of my life had not started yet so I had plenty of time to ramble on.

What has happened since 2009 is mind blowing. I am a partner in an online magazine. We are working with some high-powered people in the city of Long Beach, CA. There are letters to write, contacts to follow-up on, phone calls to make and so on.

So I have become a busy gal. And all this started with a friend seeing an infomercial in the middle of the night for a product called the Trikke. And the rest they say, is history.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fitness Challenged

I have been on the diet roller coaster for a few months now. I'm trying to lose as much weight as safely possible by my 55th b-day. I am still hovering around 250, a number I cannot seem to break. What does 250 pounds mean to me?

When I originally gained the weight back in 1993, it was to protect myself. It was also due to a depression so deep I had to feed it like a monster come out of the closet. The only thing that got me through the day was the taste of a dozen doughnuts or a fruit pie. I no longer need the extra poundage and it's become another form of monster to get rid of.

Ok, that's the why of it, so where is the why not, as in why not drop the weight? I am around a lot of people right now and yet I don't feel threatened. I feel small. Is that why I feel the need to be so "artificially" big? There are more questions than answers.

In my weight loss challenge in TrikkeWorld Magazine I have decided to go back to the simple act of exercising and consuming fewer calories than I burn. The KISS method, as in keep it simple sweetie, is my best bet. What is it about me that returns to militant to get the pounds off?

So I'm easing up on myself and trikking more. Those are very important pieces to the puzzle of losing weight. Oh, and eating less with no unscheduled in-between snacking. No eating my way through a TV session anymore. No filling myself with artificial means to reach that empty pit in the center of my soul, (isn't that after all what this whole issue is really about?).

I'm going to start the visualizing as well. I'll see myself at lower weights, more comfortable weights. I'll see myself carving farther and stronger. I'll see myself with less pain. I'll see myself fly...