Thursday, September 15, 2011

Update! Weight Loss Challenge

I started a weight loss challenge in April in TrikkeWorld Magazine. I lost a total of 16 pounds in the process and finally fell off the plateau that I was on for a year! Even though the official date for the weigh-in is Saturday, I couldn't wait.

As far as pant sizes, I’ve gone down at least two. For the inches, I mostly lost ½ -1 inch, except off the waist and hips where I lost a total of 5 ½ inches, with the grand total of 10 inches overall! Since April, 2011!! Since I first started with the Trikke in September of 2009, I have lost 18 ½ inches and 46 pounds.

I have recently hit the ten-year mark with diabetes. So far I have been lucky with the disease because I only take one pill a day, no shots. I also keep my blood sugar levels low. I accomplish that with my Trikke.

When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I measured my blood sugar levels four times a day. I ate a good diet and I avoided all the things that I loved. I was scared and I was careful.

My A1C levels were high, 7.4 (the A1C blood test measures my average blood sugar level over the previous three months). My cholesterol levels were high as well, more than 200. I admitted to smoking. My weight was almost 300 pounds.

Then a friend showed me his new toy, the Trikke. I moved heaven and earth not only to buy a Trikke, but to get fit enough to ride it.

It wasn’t long before my A1C numbers dropped to healthy levels, to a 6.1. My cholesterol number dropped to 126. My weight dropped to 251 pounds, now 240. My Body by Trikke has gifted me with some really good results.

My T8, Black Birdie and me (age 55), we’re going to be carving the streets in Long Beach, CA for a long time!