Sunday, July 19, 2009

Willa, a great lady

I found Willa in a pet store that I frequent. No one wanted her, she was too old at 5-6 months old. People like their kittens a few weeks old, not months. I couldn't get her out of my mind and I couldn't stand the thought of her in that cage day after day. So after a month I took her home. She is the silliest cat I have ever cohabited with. And one of the most beautiful.

She is always ready to play and instigates lots of trouble with my 12 year old, Jake, who just wants to have his belly rubbed. Daisy takes up a lot of her energy, tracking, crouched with her butt wiggling, getting ready for the pounce. Daisy is a tough kitty, she can take it and give it back as well. They are great mates.

Willa sits on the arm of the couch next to me while I watch TV. She only recently started to like being petted, she had to get used to it. And the strangest thing; I hardly ever hear her purr. Sometimes I have to have my hand on her neck to feel the vibration of it, but sound? No, not really. But that's ok, she's not perfect and neither am I.