Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm still ringing in the new year!

Today is the second day of the rest of my life, sort of. I am back on my Trikke for the second day after a very lengthy recovery from a knee injury. It's called chondromalacia, or, ironically enough runner's knee. If you knew me you'd be in on the joke by now, or just look at any picture of me.

Chondromalacia, or chondo for short, is thinning of the cartelidge in the knee joint. Isn't it cool to have access to the internet? I am an expert now. The bitch is sometimes recovery takes up to three months.

I am on my second Trikke run since November's very few painful attempts. Yesterday I went five minutes, today ten. So far no problems. Yeahhhh! Although I will retain complete joy until tonight when the pain would traditionally show.

But I am off topic, although it's a pertinent topic. Am I skimming over the fact that I TRIKKED TODAY!?! I am trikking tomorrow for 15 minutes, then 20, then who knows! I might be back to my favorite past time with my clothes on. OMG!

My Trikke brings me such joy. I love the feel of the air across my face, I love syncing my carving to the music on my ipod, especially when the beat is strong and fast (Lady GaGa comes to mind). And in a few short weeks (after all we are in the middle of January already) I will go a few miles again and really have a blast carving on the bike trail.

Strength will be mine, I will have it again. Our bodies are such perfect machines. Sometimes they take longer than we'd like to heal, but given the right recourse they come back.
Photo by Randy Boyd