Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ready, set, GO

I know, why don't I live the life of an artist, constantly creating or ruminating over my next embryo of an idea? Yeah, my rent is paid and I have free time. I'm inspired, so do I really have to be miserable to birth art? Only future posts will display those results.

I'm getting organized. I now have an eraser board, with which to organize my thoughts.

That reminds me, FIRST blog recommendation -- read a very compelling blog at: RandyBoydsBlocks.com -- (I know -- shameless)

And in a few weeks my trikke will come from the birthday fairy.
I'll organize photo shoots around LB with StanLe (aforementioned), then create visionary shots with photodraw, then write something. Try not to be trite. And -- click -- publish post.

And did I say I had free time? Are you ready to dance with me?
Photo by Randy Boyd