Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Revisiting "Cougar"

A few posts back I was adamant about not being labeled a cougar. I thought it a pejorative term and quite unflattering as well. And so I guess as a cougar might eat almost any live meat, I must eat my words. Let me explain...

I was riding on the shuttle, the smaller version of a bus in my town. It travels along Ocean Blvd. and connects two beach cities. There are usually some very delicious young men on this bus. True to form, a young blond 25-ish man, with pouty lips and gorgeous cheekbones, got on the bus. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I wanted to bite those lovely lips. I caught a stray thought -- "I could rip him UUUPPPPP!!!!!!!!! "

Uh-oh, Cougar! Now I understand why that term came about, and if the shoe fits, I will wear it.

So, I eat my words, and who knows what else, 'cuz a cougar's gotta consume!