Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Boy am I losing it

On my way out the door today I couldn't find my bag. It is a bright red backpack that does not hide well. I started thinking, "where could I have left it?" After all I was in my apartment. Did I leave it in the hall and close the door on ever finding it again? Is it under a blanket? No, that's a kitty hiding from the dust storm I'm creating trying to find this red leather bag. Oh crap, I'll have to get all new cards and pictures and phone and whatever I have found that I can't do without even for a few hours so I carry it with me wherever I go.

On my third round through every room in my apartment I am gaining in frustration, and then I feel something lightly worn on my back.

It is right at this moment my problem is solved, and I feel like a dork -- the reason I couldn't find the thing is I was already wearing it! All I can say is I'm glad I don't have to replace anything except a few blown brain cells.
Photo by Randy Boyd

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm still standing... sort of

I am still alive. I have been lazy lately, not walking much, not Trikking much, not writing much. I'm going through one of those times where I am taking those two big steps backwards, awaiting the forward steps that will jut me back into the world I was inhabiting a few short months ago.

I have no real guesses as to what tips me off into my version of oblivion. But it happens when I can't move. Movement is the key. Ya gotta keep those endorphins flowing. I also have noticed that once I start ranting on this blog, then I start feeling better and then who knows, maybe the posts will be interesting... Here's hoping!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I bought my first hip-hop song

I have been a little nervous about rap and hip hop. This is not unprecedented. I was very afraid of punk then became a huge fan, so anything can happen.

The cherry popping song is from Flo Rida. Funny, it's based on a song from the 80's. It's called "Right round". I loved it before, and I'm loving it now. It's funny how music that stirs me becomes a sort of muse. I haven't posted here for some time and now look, a stray surge of inspiration. I am like a tween, listening to this song over and over again. I want to move, I am moving as I type actually.

Back in the early 80's I used to get up early just to listen to X, the Cars, the Pretenders, among others. I danced around the room back then. Music was better than coffee. It lit up my soul.

I feel that way right now. Maybe because it's juxtaposed against a reaction of depression from a medication I stopped recently. I just want to sleep. And I stopped this medication 3+ days ago.

So I keep playing this song over and over again to support me as I start my day. I'm reminded again of the power of music that sets the stages of our days and holds us up when we are slipping down.
Photo by Randy Boyd