Saturday, March 20, 2010

Butt Shot

I love this butt shot. Even tho it's kinda dark, I can see development here. I remember my butt being flat and fat. In this pic I look like I have a tighten-ing ass with shape, actual shape! My butt's rising like popin' fresh biscuits. Okay so I got a little ahead of myself, but there is progress. I spent the last two months whining about nothing happening and now I'm posting shots of me exclaiming how much better I look while staring at the pics wondering if it's just camera angles or the dark colors I'm wearing that makes me look successful.

I am so disconnected from my body. This makes it hard to pinpoint what I really look like. Even the images in the mirror are distorted for me. I am used to seeing layers of flab, and even though the shape is the same, the size has gotten smaller. It's kinda like an optical illusion. Only I can see it, or not see it as the case may be.