Friday, January 15, 2010

Ready to commit

This is new to the blog. I am going to report in every Friday to record my progress. Check back and see in "JT's Full of Her Health".

I am ready to commit to losing weight. I am not going to just think I am changing my lifestyle, but I am going to write down every little bite I take. I am going to eat mostly veggies, then good carbs and protein. I am going to drink lots of water and then there's cardio (my Trikke) and weights. Oh my, I've almost forgotten stretching which I need to do every time I exercise. Although I am making it sound over whelming, it's not much more that I am already doing 4-6 times a week. (Kinda Freudian, eh?)

I am going to record my progress in this blog. I have to be held accountable and I am doing it today, tomorrow and until the extra person I carry around evaporates away. I am NOT going to be perfect yet I will try my best every day, after all I am addicted to sugar. I must have it in one serving size at a time, not the whole package.

So today I weigh 265 lbs. Yikes, that took courage. And my goal is 175 and possibly 150. So here I go, I am full of health, energy and lightness!