Saturday, January 23, 2010


Where is Dr. Oz when I need him? Ok, I'm on my new food plan, and I have realized that according to the scale, there was nothing new about it. So, I weighed in on two different scales, and the first one was right. I hope it was right, or do I want it to be wrong? This is where twisted logic comes from. Ok, well, anyway.

I weighted in originally at 265 and it was at a Dr's office. And now one week into my plan and I weigh 10 pounds MORE!?!?!?!? I was so surprised last night I couldn't log in. Do I really have to record that? I'll record it with an asterisk. And please don't forget this.

So I'm not starting over but continuing onward. As long as I'm stumbling forward, there is still forward motion. After all, I can't have believed if I had done really well I'd have lost every pound already. It took a long time to gain this weight... and all those other cliches.

So if I have learned anything from my first week it is to write down every bite! Second thing is to burn more calories than I take in, and that is accomplished by getting on my Trikke to CARVE!