Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fast Woman

Megan Fox makes me want to jump into the dyke end of the pool. She makes me wonder about dicks and twats and what sexuality is really all about. So what is it all about dare I ask? When I am surrounded by lesbians I start questioning my sexuality. When I'm around interesting men I have no questions, (interesting is the important word here). Is it like my friend StanLe says, are we just sexual, not straight or bi or gay?

I like the thought of being sexual, not putting a label on it. Don't we have enough labels as it is? I have been surprised by men who identify with being gay saying they consider themselves bisexual really, they just mostly dated men. Is there such a thing as straight-curious?

Why is it that when society freely explores its sexuality the elders think it's the fall of civilization? And if my straight friends read this, will they become uncomfortable being alone with me? No need to be unless you look like Megan Fox.

So, I have no answers, only questions, at this point. What a good way to see if anyone is reading this blog!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME

Well today's the day I turn 53. Yikes! Lately I've been feeling 35. I think we all have a physical age and a mental age, you know the age we are inside our head. The age that dictates how we dress or act. So I'm 35, it's a good age, not too old or young for that matter.

I was very successful at 35. I had nice clothes, nice car, nice address. That was a long time ago. Back then I think I was mentally 73. I had nice things but the inside of my head was all messed up. I was steering towards a head-on crash with myself. I don't like to remember the old days. I just want the number.

So today I reclaim 35 for myself, and I will work hard at keeping the years at bay. That means eating well, exercising like the devil's on my ass, playing with friends and sleeping long. Oh, and taking my meds.

So happy birthday to me!
Photo by Randy Boyd

Monday, September 7, 2009

I got my Trikke!!!

Well, the day finally came and I got my Trikke!

I feel about seven years old again. Everyone I have eye contact with feels the same way. I am so visible on this toy. And I don't care.

It is a very hard workout, getting going. It's a lot of upper body strength, which I have none of and yet always wanted for survival in the urban wilds. After two days I'm already going 1/2 block then I just loose steam and momentum. But that 1/2 block is kick-ass fun!

I definitely forget that I am 52+ when I am maneuvering this thing. I look at it like my fountain of youth. I can't wait to be going around the block, or grocery shopping or to my doctor's appointments with this thing. I can't wait to be just cambering along the ocean bike trail at sunset. All these things are in my grasp. The possibilities run through my bulging fingers from the pool of my hand. Or something like that. I didn't mean to get all deep and shit. I just couldn't help myself.

So back to my Trikke. I wonder what her name should be. She is a matte blue, I think very unusual and understated like me (well that's what I suspect anyway). Maybe The Terror of Upper Pine, Age slayer, Fat Buster, Dream Catcher or even just Zoey. I'll figure it out eventually. Updates to come...
photo by Randy Boyd

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Revisiting "Cougar"

A few posts back I was adamant about not being labeled a cougar. I thought it a pejorative term and quite unflattering as well. And so I guess as a cougar might eat almost any live meat, I must eat my words. Let me explain...

I was riding on the shuttle, the smaller version of a bus in my town. It travels along Ocean Blvd. and connects two beach cities. There are usually some very delicious young men on this bus. True to form, a young blond 25-ish man, with pouty lips and gorgeous cheekbones, got on the bus. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I wanted to bite those lovely lips. I caught a stray thought -- "I could rip him UUUPPPPP!!!!!!!!! "

Uh-oh, Cougar! Now I understand why that term came about, and if the shoe fits, I will wear it.

So, I eat my words, and who knows what else, 'cuz a cougar's gotta consume!