Saturday, May 8, 2010

Another Seven Down!!

I'm the most surprised woman on the planet right now. I lost another 7 pounds!! I think the answer is my Trikke. After a few hours on Birdie and it doesn't matter what I eat. When I am actively trikking my weight just goes down.

I complain that my scale is not moving, and then I trikke a couple of days. I must apologize to the scale. Even though I have had clues along the way, opening to having a suspicion, to then having it proved to me. Again. And again. I finally get it. "YEAH! Another 'X' pounds!" I am now in the weight range for my T78 air.

On, the place for all things Trikke, I found a survey asking how many miles I trikke a week. It made me realize how many miles I cover, another surprise! I usually go 3-5 miles per outing, and I trikke about 3-4 times per week so that averages up to 20 miles a week. That is when I'm feeling well. I was discouraged at first when reading about other Trikkers who do that in a day!

"I am so full of myself!" I thought.

When I finally got over myself, I realized I was doing more than I thought. This attitude of "not enough" is a familiar theme. In college I didn't study enough, I didn't write enough, yet graduated with a high 3 point GPA in my major's classes. At work I didn't make enough calls, and made $42,000+ per year (in 1990's money), always could have done more...

I have thought I wasn't enough for 53+ years, and it takes my Trikke to make me acknowledge that I accomplish much more that I realize. More than I give myself credit for even. 7 pounds worth of credit, BABY! Thank you Trikke. Thank you JT.