Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sitting With Myself

Ever since I put those two pictures of myself together (see 3/14 post), I have been quietly contemplating my success in the weight loss category. Upon closer inspection and an appointment with my doctor, I have lost about 12 pounds since the beginning of the year. That is about one pound per week. That is exactly where I am supposed to be. About one pound per week.

I look back at all the misery and complaining I did this year around losing weight. I thought I wasn't losing weight, then I thought I might have lost some weight and then I'd weigh myself on an old analog scale, which I was advised to throw away. WOW, no wonder I suffer from stress disorders.

I have learned that I AM successful with what I'm doing. I have changed my eating habits, stopped with all the candy, cookies and pies. I now eat yogurt, protein bars, and fresh fruit. I lay off bad oils and bake, steam or poach. I don't eat red meat and I do eat salmon a few times a week. That is all I have done.

Well that, and my love affair with my Trikke. That's just plain 'ole fun, not a workout.