Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fast Woman

Megan Fox makes me want to jump into the dyke end of the pool. She makes me wonder about dicks and twats and what sexuality is really all about. So what is it all about dare I ask? When I am surrounded by lesbians I start questioning my sexuality. When I'm around interesting men I have no questions, (interesting is the important word here). Is it like my friend StanLe says, are we just sexual, not straight or bi or gay?

I like the thought of being sexual, not putting a label on it. Don't we have enough labels as it is? I have been surprised by men who identify with being gay saying they consider themselves bisexual really, they just mostly dated men. Is there such a thing as straight-curious?

Why is it that when society freely explores its sexuality the elders think it's the fall of civilization? And if my straight friends read this, will they become uncomfortable being alone with me? No need to be unless you look like Megan Fox.

So, I have no answers, only questions, at this point. What a good way to see if anyone is reading this blog!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Well, I just read it! I was looking at your blog already because of a comment on TrikkeTalk under 'comments/quotes you've heard while Trikking'...and because I saw that you had a blog. I am a blogger and am always drawn to other bloggers' blogs. Just to see. Anyway, I noticed the title of this one and had to read it. I found it entertaining...and true! That's about how it started for me back in the beginning as I was on my way to realizing I was in fact bi. I seem to have gone from one end of the spectrum to the other since then!

    Anyway...thought I'd comment to let you know someone is reading!

    ChrisintheQ on TrikkeTalk
    (aka, the Trikker formerly known as 'chrisinbama')
