Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Slowest Striptease

I'm still trikking, and eating well. I am still losing weight. And every pound is a new thrill. Every week I am able to unpeel another layer, like an onion.

I kind of wondered if each pound or two would be as exciting as the first pound or two, and the answer is YES, every pound, ounce or gram is exciting and fulfilling. After all, I fought for each pound lost.

I am finding that my esteem is growing. I cannot help looking in windows as I pass by, each week looking better than the last. And even though I have lost only 21 pounds, my body has changed by leaps and pounds... I mean bounds.

Breaking news... I have lost a total of six inches overall, so far. I am so proud of myself! I need a reward. It used to boggle my mind that a reward would be anything but food. Yet now I am picking out things that have nothing to do with something I put in my mouth.

I now think a smaller size t-shirt is an amazing reward. I also think things like flowers and shoes and music are all satisfying. So many ways it's no trouble thinking them up. Like this reward right now... a Trikke ride. Bye!!

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