Monday, April 25, 2011

One Trickk Pon-e

My new Pon-e, Elekktra, is amazing. I am rather a slow trikker but I can keep up with the crowd on the Pon-e. I don't have to worry about distances when I am on Elekktra, I can go about 20 miles on a single charge. It really satisfies my search for fun, safety and what I call speed.

I feel pretty safe on Elekktra, probably since I am so used to the Trikke. I have always been afraid of motorcycles; riding, steering and changing gears, it's all too much.

I really am a timid creature when it comes to taking chances that might result in asphalt burn or broken bones. Any kind of discomfort makes me nervous, really. And yet because of the stance on the foot pads with the Pon-e, I don't think of personal injury so much.

The Pon-e is such a blast to run errands with. A trip to the market turns into a fun ride around town. This is the closest I've been to owning a car in 17 years. The convenience factor is so important. And when it's all done, I take Elekktra into the elevator, up to my apartment and straight to my bedroom where I have made a space for her.

I love not having to depend upon exact change for the bus. I love not being a slow moving target. I love that I don't have to purchase gas, insurance or maintain a big savings account for car repairs. I love that my world got a little smaller with the Pon-e.

Plus, it's shiny and new. Who doesn't like shiny and new?

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